Saturday, August 1, 2020

Look good | Best 7 rules for good looking guys

7 rules for good looking guys

7 rules for good looking guys

Hello everyone, in today's blog I'm gonna tell you the best 7 rules for every good looking guys must following day after day to be attractive to have that Wow factor and after you start applying these rules to your daily lives, you will notice an immediate difference in how people behave around you.
So get to the point.

Best Rules For Good looking guys 

1. Good Eye Contact :
7 rules for good looking guys
Attractive dudes will always maintain good Eye contact a lot of men think that being good looking is all physical, they think that's all about the ABS the hairstyles, Face but they forget that social skills can really help.

Starting with the Eye contact, if you ever talked with someone who never looked you in the eye during the whole conversation I know so many people like that and the ability to make good eye contact is one of the social skills that a lot of us. Actually need to work on when someone's talking to me but not making eye contact I'm thinking what's the deal dude are you nervous are you lying to me , are you bored what's up. 
I also talked a lot about first impressions and  eye contact has been proven to give off a dominant but personable and more likeable pressure.

It's the skill that everybody should work on and definitely keep in mind especially when you're meeting someone new.

2. Never Underdressed :
7 rules for good looking guys
Guys good looking dudes do not get caught Underdressed.
I'm not saying you shouldn't wear casual clothes and Sweat pants I also wear sweat pants most of the time. 
Go through your clothes if there's anything that you would never want other people to see you wearing, donate those items or throw them out if they're damaged.

You've to feel  good looking to be good looking right. So why would you ever wear something that doesn't make you feel good.

3. Always Well Groomed :
Good looking guys are always well groomed. They never ever let themselves go to a point where their beards are all crazy and wild and hairs all over the place that just doesn't happen. 

4. Being well Spoken : This is another Important things that attractive guys do they are all well spoken it's something that is not only gonna make you more attractive but it's also gonna help in your day to day life.

Wheather you're talking to a total stranger somebody that you just met or to a friend on the phone a guy that you talk to all the time or a girl that you talk to all the time being able to express your thoughts and your ideas that's attractive.  You've to need to improve your conversation skills, also you've to be more confident.

5. Always Smell Good :
7 rules for good looking guys
This one is common sense, but I wanted to get it on the list anyway because there are a couple things that you have to keep in mind you that are besides common sense first let's get the basis out of the way. 

I'm talking about daily showers and deodorants done those are the basics to go above and beyond year, you're gonna need some cologne but where I see this going wrong where I smell this going wrong a lot of times.  Two things number one we are the right cologne for that specific occasion alright. If you're going to meet your girlfriend's parents for dinner, do not wear kind of strong cologne, that's just awkward man. 
Wear something lighter more professional less aggressive.

And Number Two, Take it easy on the sprays you know sitting there next to someone who ever sprays is no fun, go for like four maybe five sprays is depending on the fragrance. 
I don't want to be sitting next to you and like crying and sneezing because of the cloud of cologne that is around you.

6. Sleep Schedule :
the most overlooked tips are being good looking is following the right 
Sleep schedule.
Making sure that you get enough sleep is a key part to looking good every single day nobody looks good with only a few hours of sleep. 
You're face is gonna have that smush look, your eyes are gonna be you know drowsy and red you're gonna have those bags under your eyes and the hard truth about this is that no matter what you do you can't really get rid of that morning face you can drink you know a ton of coffee you can take  two showers it doesn't really matter you're still gonna just look like you just woke up. 

So get enough hours of sleep every night so that you're ready to go in the morning and then you look and feel your best.

7. Being well Organized :
Organizing your life and keeping things tidy and ready when you need them is a super attractive habit whether that's your house, your car, your work area or Even your schedule for the next day.

When everything around you is organized it's one less thing to be stressed about.

So, start today get your life  Organized so you can be attractive as well start small you know start with your bathroom with your clothes with your bedroom doesn't really matter just do something to get to the end goal.
