Sunday, July 19, 2020

Abs workout at home

Abs workout at home| Get V-cuts abs at home

Abs workout at home

In today's blog I'm gonna give you some effective rules for abs workout at home,
I've 6 best exercises to get that V-shape cut that everyone wants in their abs. So let's get straight to it.

6 best Exercise for V-shape abs

1.  Leg Raises : Get started from here with the first exercise to really bring out that V shape or Adonis belt.

First you've to do at least 20-30 leg raises to work your lower abs and define all those little muscles Down there the movement just need to keep your hands behind your head to your sides or on your stomach, then straighten your legs and
Lift them up at the same time do not let your feet touch the ground on the way down by doing that you're using way more of the lower abs to stop gravity from pulling your legs down instead of just using the ground itself.

 to stop that movement these little details make a huge difference in the long run if you're really serious about seeing results, 20-30 of these will get your abs nice and warmed up.

2. Side planks (30 seconds - 1 min) : These work out your obliques and you're great for strengthening your core. the secret here is to be as straight as possible to make sure that you don't let your hips drop anywhere close to the ground all right.

Hold this for 30 seconds if you're beginner or you can do up to a minute if you're more advanced. Then you switch sides so you can do the same exact thing on the other side and since this is a controlled hold you've to tighten your core and keep it tight through the whole full minute.

If you want even more of a challenge you can actually hold your arm up and hold a dumbbell or some type of weight to just add that extra pressure to your core.
Alright guys so you want your V-line ,V-shape to be super prominent and you're ready to make a change to your body. The thing is you can't do that just by exercising you need to have the proper dietas well.

3. Russian twist : Do the Russian twist combined with scissor kicks and really guys this is not the easiest exercise to do but once you get the hang of it then you're gonna love it.
You can feel the burn right away and by keeping your feet off the ground you're really gonna hurt just make sure that you're using the right technique don't try to rush it don't try to get the end all right.

Focus on every single movement and feel your muscles contracting tensing up with every rep, do 20 russian twists and get ready for what's next.

4. Alternating In and Out : Alternating narrow and wide In and outs, you don't let your feets touch the ground punch in while alternating your legs positioning from wide that's narrow.
This is a great exercise for your lower abs and it will definitely help you get that V-line to show. try your best to do 20 of these.

5. Raised Crunches : These kind of exercise is really important also strengthen your core. bring your legs up to a tabletop position and then you're gonna crunch up contracting your abs.

By putting your legs up you're actually changing the pressure points from your upper abs to your lower abs and that's what you've to do that. Also try not to look in front of you with your neck moving forward when you're crunching because that could actually hurt your neck, instead it looks straight up and that's why you're not gonna put so much pressure on your neck, do 20 of these as well.

6. Mountain Climbers : In the end to burn some calories and really get that V-line to show more and more this is one of my suggested exercise to do that.

This exercise are great to get your heart pumping and your blood flowing so get into a high plank position and bring your knees into your chest alternating from left to right.

Do whatever feels right you know some people kick diagonally as well to contract different muscles in your core but it's completely up to you and what you think works best for your body.
Do 30-40 these and trust me you're gonna get a sweat in and you're gonna finish your circuit right then but you've to take a break for 1 minute and start this whole circuit again from top. You'll definitely see the V-Line appear properly.

Also eat balanced and healthy diet,  add proper amount of protein meal.



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