Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Chest workout at home

Chest workout at home 

Chest workout at home

Today's blog is all about the Chest workout at home for men and women especially if you're a beginner in the fitness process.
If you're a guy who's got that lower chest fat and you were to burn it off or even if you're a girl who wants to work on your overall strength level, today's blog is for you.
We're talking about free body movements,but we will talk about  a few weighted movement. If you've a pair of dumbbells at home it's great but even if you don't that's alright. Use school bag if you don't have dumbbells.
Chest workout at home
Your chest is primarily works in two kinds of movements anything were you pushing something away from your body or anything where you're doing that movement were you bringing your arms near each other.

Exercise for Chest workout at home

Push-up at home
firstly the bent knee pushups where you can't do the regular push-up. You hinge yourself on your knees keep your arms shoulder width apart and just go for it.
But I suggest to anyone chasing fitness goals is that you should be able to execute the regular push-up.
So when you're doing your regular push-up, your feet need to be shoulder width apart but  of you're finding this a little bit hard remember that the wider you keep your feet the easier the push-up becomes.
So, don't keep it too wide but if you're finding shoulder width a little bit difficult you can make it slightly wider than that as for arms these is where gets strictly You need to understand that the wider you keep your arms the more your PEC muscle or your chest muscles is getting work.
The narrower you bring your arms the more your triceps comes into place.
The angle we select will be directly under the line of your lower chest not too low, not too High. Almost at shoulder width little bit below the lower back. That's the kind of line we go for.
               Body Shape:
Push ups at home
you just want to keep a bit of a bend at your hip, but the rest of your body that's from your hip to your ankle and from your hip to your neck all that should be straight your body should be slightly hinged near your bum. So, keep your bum slightly raised throughout the movement but the rest of your body should be straight as far as possible. It shouldn't bend it shouldn't shake and it shouldn't move.
    Complete range motion: when you're doing it at home a complete range of motion. This means you want to go as low as possible and push up from there even if you can do just one or two reps with a complete range of motion that's better than doing half reps.
    And if you want to take a push-up Game a little bit further you can add resistance using a school bag. so strap on your school bag and perform push-ups with that.
Press is one of the most classic chest movements that performed in the gym. There's a decline press of flat bench press and incline bench press.

Change in the movement is the angle of your arms to your torso. The smaller the angle the  lower it hits your chest.
So if you perform the decline press with a small angle you're hitting your lower chest of you perform an incline press you're hitting your upper chest and if you do a flat press you're hitting the overall mass of your chest.
now keep in mind we don't have the luxury of having a bench at home. And that's why we go for our best friend the Bed.
Now, when you're doing any kind of press movement any kind of chest movements on your bed, Rule no.1: keep your back arch. if you find a comfortable keep your feet near your bum and that's why you can perform this movement.

                         2: Try going for a very big             
                                   Range of motion.
                               3: Sides of dumbbells
                               Should touch the sides
                               Of your chest.
When you going up you want to squeeze your chest just a little bit and ofcourse keep in mind you want to go with a full range motion.       
Now if you don't have dumbbells at home make sure you use school bag once again try handling the bag such the weight of the bag is divided into your two hands equally once again go the complete range of motion.   Take the bag as low as it goes and push it as high as it goes with a squeeze at the top of your movement. 
3. Chest Fly movement
Chest press workout
: The Chest fly once again the same precautions as your pressing movement keep a slight arch in your lower back keep. Keep your feet near your bum and when you're taking your arms down take them as low as they go to increase the range of motion at the top make sure you squeeze a  little bit as of you're hugging a firm object like a tree and also keep in mind very importantly that inner chest fly, it's an isolation movement you're isolating your chest that means you want to only use your chest alone and no other muscle.
So, in order to perform an isolation movement fantastically you need to make sure that the angle of your arm throughout the movement has to stay constant the only joint that should move is your shoulder joint.
Chest workout at home
So fix an angle say about 10 to 20 degrees in your arm take your arm low and with that same angle lifted up till the top.
If you don't have dumbbells, once again you can use your bag but keep in mind this is an isolation movement it's a very difficult we're going to perform. And also make sure your bag is super light weight. You shouldn't burn out in five or six reps of doing this movement you shouldn't feel any awkward pressure on your shoulder all the pressure should be targeted towards your chest so very light pseudo dumbbells. at your bag very light bag and that's when you perform the movement one side at a time. 
Workout shouldn't be something where you feel completely exhausted at the end of it you should only feel a little bit of burn to initiate that growth of muscles.

Actually workout plan For Chest 

15-20 minutes workout
30-60 seconds breaks.
Target the 10-12 reps range.



At May 20, 2020 at 5:18 AM , Blogger Dayasagar said...


At May 20, 2020 at 5:57 AM , Blogger Nimit Verma said...

Thnkyou bro❤️


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