Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Arm workout at home

Arm workout at home

Arm workout at home
 Arm workout at home for men and women. Dumbbells are great but even if you don't have dumbbells at home that's alright because we're gonna be using a heavy bag as resistance for our body.

Rule for Arm workout at home 

1. Overhead press:
form of the exercise your feet need to be slightly more than shoulder width apart your lower back needs to be arched or tight throughout the movement and finally when it comes lifting the dumbbells you start at your shloulder and lift it all the way up with the full range of motion. Try keeping the line of the dumbbells the same as the line of your body. It should be parallel to the central line of your body or your spine. If you don't have dumbbells at home you can load up a school bag with few heavy books and perform the OHP using that just make sure that weight of the entire bag is equally distributed in your two hands.

2. Lateral Raise Movement: It works the middle part of your deltoid,if you want shoulders like boulders this is the movement for you. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart you bend your lower back slightly in front but throughout the movement keep your lower back tight also keep in mind this is an isolation movement that means you're only using one joint to perform this movement in your entire body there's only gonna be one mobile joint that moves that will obviously be your shoulder joint and as for the rest of your arm you got to keep it stiff with a slight angle at the elbow that's very crucial. Your entire arm has to have a constant angle only on the elbow your wrist have to be solid, your elbow has to be solid, your shoulder is the only part that moves. Grab a couple of dumbbells, bend slightly forward and try lifting your arm through your elbow. Keep your neck neutral, don't push it in front don't hold it behind just keep it in the same line as that of your spine and moving on to doing it with a bag, the downside is that you'd only be able to work one arm at a time and rest of the protocol are exactly same.

3. Triceps: Triceps are the very crucial in terms of arm aesthetic especially for guys. primarily because triceps make up 2/3rd of your entire arm volume. So if you work your triceps you'll end up having big bulgy arms keep in mind if you're a girl once again this will just help tone up your arm. Let's talk about 
           basic triceps dips:
Grab a solid in your house that can even be the side of your bed make sure you place your hands on that solid surface and the only two precautions you've got to keep in mind is that firstly your feet shouldn't be too far from the surface and shouldn't be too near either they should be at a comfortable distance.

4. French press:
Triceps french press
In this workout you just need a dumbbell for this movement you can just stand up straight hold a dumbbell and lift it over head behind your head. The only precaution you have got to keep in mind is that this again is an isolation movement and the only joint that will move is your elbow, remember your triceps is responsible for all the movement that happens through your elbow and that's what you're trying to work so the upper part of your arm from your shoulder till your elbow will be solid and the other part or your arm that's going to be solid  is your wrist. Keep your wrist solid, keep your shoulder solid and only move your elbow. You can perform with your bag using same protocols.

5. Bicep Curls:
Bicep curl
Once you learn the basic biceps curl every other bicep movement is a variation of this core movement.
The only precautions you've got to keep in mind once again are that your lower back has to be arched your elbows have to be stuck  in place this is an isolation movement again the only joint that moves is your elbow.
A lot of people enough swinging their arms in this movement, but the mistake that happens in this case that you're moving your shoulder to assist you with the movement. You're not isolating your bicep. If you want to isolate your bicep you've got a tuck in your elbow right on your side and make sure throughout the movement it doesn't move at all. The other precaution is that a lot of people look past is that they also move their wrist throughout the movement, they'll be doing a basic bicep curl and towards the end  of the movement they'll curl up their wrist so the movement of the wrist actually helps you to complete the entire range of motion. Let's talk about the people who don't have dumbbells at home, once again the same protocols but the only downside is that you can only hit one arm at a time.

6. Forearm workout:
Forearm workout
Once again you've got to understand that your forearm is made up of two parts. The inner side is flexor and the outer side the extensors. 
You're going to take a stool anywhere at home or any edge surface where you can put your arms freely. So take a dumbbell and pull back up towards your body that's how you work your flexor muscle keep in mind you want to hit a full range of motion and at the end of your motion you want to squeeze your arm a little bit. If you want to work your extensors, just change up the angle of your arm and do the same motion but in a reverse direction, where the back of your palm will be hinged towards your body. Also if you don't have dumbbells,you just substitute the dumbbell with handle of heavy bag.



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