Tuesday, April 21, 2020

How to gain weight fastly

How to gain weight fastly 

Todays topic is for all those skinny guys & girls who struggling to put on weight I'm gonna be teaching you how to gain weight Easily and in a healthy way Now you remember guys there is two way or path.
One is the path that leads you to tha closest fast food junction,your favourite restaurant it's the part that make you fat but in a bad way like eat unhealthy junk food and the second path is the one that leads you to your kitchen. We need to choose the correct path if we want the best results.
The main thing need to know your is that you put on weight primarily through the food that we intake in our body. The exercise that we do will set a path of our body to grow on.but it's primarily all about the food we eat. So let's get straight to it guys, the easiest way to put on weight is keep hitting your Food Goals everyday. There are two food goal that is Calorie goal and protein goal. You hit this to everyday and even with Zero to minimal exercise you will put on some weight, Without exercise you just put on more fat of your body. But your only goal for increase weight just hit on your food Goals daily.
Let's talk about protein goals, the built even the slightest amount of muscles you need to keep in certain amount of protein every day in your diet.make sure that your diet is full of protein like Meat,eggs and Dairy products.and for vegetarians you have to put Dairy products like paneer, butter, ghee, tofu. Also beans and Soya chunks.
Let's talk about Calorie goals, everyone has a maintenance calorie level if you go beyond that maintenance calorie level you'll put on weight. So initially try stuffing your self just get your calorie goal every day.if don't have a good appetite and easy way of hitting calorie goals every single day, is including lots of good fat in your diet that is Nuts, dairy,olive oil coconut oil make those a part of all your meal. Now guys just how you gonna be counting your protein intake every single day
You need to start counting your calorie intake as well. To put on weight you gonna be consuming excess calorie,is those excess calorie are way to high, you might become fat so every time you increasing your calorie track how your weight responding to it.if you feel like you getting too fat too fast, Slow down reduce your calorie little bit. But if you happy with how much weight you put on than keep going.
Remember, to put on healthy weight you will need to hit your protein goal and your calorie goal. Your muscle need protein+calore also carbs to build inside your body, so you need to hit your calorie goal to build muscle. Similarly if you only hitting your calorie goal without focus your protein goal than you will be fat. You don't want put on fat, you want to put on healthy muscle. So bulk of your calorie should be coming from protein rich foods this way you'll be hitting your protein goal and your calorie goal. The second aspect to put on healthy weight. the exercise that you need to do, The best exercise is weight training. Also you need to be reducing the total amount of cardio yo do. If you do cardio remember that you shouldn't exceed total 40mins of week.

Protein Sources to eat.

Nonveg= Chicken,Fish,Eggs,Meat.

Veg= Nuts,paneer,Tofu,Curd, Soya Chunk, Dals

Carbs Sources to eat.

Whole Wheat, Brown rice, Jowar,Bajra,Rava.
"Stay away from white flour,and white rice".

Consume Chickpea flour (sattu atta) shake.
How to make = you need one glass of water and mixed it, squeeze half lemon it will ready to drink. Atleast 2times a day you need to drink it.consists of clean carb and protein.

You just remember that you have to take high calorie instead of your maintenance calorie level, it's lead to weight gain also little bit of fat also. add one spoon of pure Ghee on your meal, because it's good fat source to weight gain. I recommend you to consume ghee with your meal twice a day.whenever you think that your gain too much fat,than you need to reduce little quantity of ghee.if you don't like ghee than you replace it with Virgin coconut oil. Also you can take 2-3 egg yolk if your skin  doesn't react badly.
And the final option is "Nuts" like Cashew,wallnuts, almonds, pista.
if you want to increase little bit of calorie in it, you can fired with small amount of olive oil. Try different oils every month.

SUPPLEMENTS = Remember one thing that supplements are always add on. You don't need to take necessarily if you didn't workout. But protein is beneficial for you when in the absence of primary source of protein that you take from your diet. If you have the spending power then, Buy protein powder. If you really want to gain weightThan you only eat healthy food, clean carbs also have little bit protein in every meal.



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