Sunday, May 3, 2020

Fastest way to fat loss

Fastest way to fat loss

Fastest way to fat loss
Easiest and best fat loss exercise is a combination of Resistance training and Cardio training. Firstly talk about cardio,Cardio is a type of exercise where you take the workout  for your heart it means you exert your body like running, skipping, Swimming, Cricket and other sport walking and dancing are also a kind of cardio exercise.

Basically in cardio the focus of your workout is on the heart, whenever doing cardio it increases pump of your heart and blood circulation in your body it cause burn of your body calories 

Read also:- loose weight without exercise

Best Golden Rules for lose fat fast

1 Calorie out = If you want to really lose your body fat, remember that you have to be calorie out need to be more than your calorie IN. It means whenever you eat something it helps to In calorie level in your body, Calories are like fat energy packets to our body. That's why you need to less consumption of Calorie and more exercise to burn out your calorie.

2 Avoid Junk food= Junk food are the main source to give excess fat in your body because junk foods are combination of bad 
Fats like maida, Cheap oil, excessive fried snacks. really you need to avoid junk food if you want to cut of your body fat. 
It's ok to take cheat meal once in a week but if your are fat person than please Say no to junk food.

3 Resistance Training =
Fastest way to fat loss
Weight training ,Callisthenics (free weight training) and Yoga are the kind of resistance training. In all three kinds of exercise that gives load to your muscles. That damages your muscles a little bit, and the beginning of Microtears. Due to Microtears your body will always burnt out your active calories.

To repair Microtears it takes upto 48 hours, that's why calories burn while repairing Microtears, it called as passive burn of calories. 
Do resistance training with little bit of cardio, helps you to burn your body fat easily.
Cardio= once or twice a week.
 Weight training= three or four times a week

                  Diet for fastest fat loss

Diet is  70% responsible for your overall body look. Remember one thing that you have to go with healthy food instead of junk food. Don't take simple carb diet because it consists more calories that leads you to fat. Focus on your complex carbs diet. Complex carb diet includes Jowar, bajra, brown rice and Rava take this type of complex carbs in your diet. Also you have to add some protein with your meal. Protein includes nonveg,eggs,Soya chunks. You have to reduce fatty substances like butter,Ghee,oil minimum quantity is beneficial for you but don't over consume it. 

Protein Sources include

Nonveg: mutton, Chicken,eggs,fish, salmon and shrimps.

Veg: Soya chunks,paneer,beans, legumes,tofu.

Eat low carbs vegetables, don't be afraid about it. Because these type of vegetables are  high in nutrients. These are the types of low carb veggies:                 Spinach

Fruits are also important for giving the other vitamins and energy sources. Consume fruits as in your breakfast time. 
Low carb fruits: watermelon
                             Honey dew (green melon)
  These fruits are low in carbs that you can eat easily in your diet.                      

Tips to weight loss

 1. protein based breakfast: eating High Protein breakfast reduces the craving of calories intake a day.

2. Stay away from cold drinks: cold drinks and other cold beverages, consists 80% of sugar and 20% of other artificial flavours. Sugar is the biggest enemy of diet plan. So stay away from these type of soft drinks.

3. Proper Sleep: get proper quality of sleep. Poor sleep is the main cause of obesity, So you have to sleep at least 8-10 hours.for better results.

4. Coffee: Coffee or caffeine is good for focus and concentration,also it boosts your body metabolism by 5-10% .

5. Drinking water before meal: Drinking water before 40minutes taking meal, helps to increased weight loss quickly.

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