Friday, May 8, 2020

How to meditate



In Today's blog we're going to talk about how to meditate, this blog is that one blog that can absolutely change your life. I honestly feel is that meditation has a very crucial part to play in that journey of you reaching  your maximum potential. Also lot of successful people all over the  world like Steve jobs, Shane Watson have turn to meditation in order to enhance the rest of their life.

Meditation is what help in cope with injury. Injury recovering,muscle recovery are just few of the benefits of the meditation. 

Read also:- secrets to improve your focus and mental health

How to meditate 

1. Sit down in a quit place, ideally in complete darkness and you fold your legs. Sit cross-legged and you just keep your arms comfortable however you want. You can even sit down in a chair if you find that comfortable and then you can begin your meditation process.
Mindfulness meditation essentially you taking deep breath,you inhale completely and exhale and all you go to concentrate on I'd your breath and you do this for about 20-25 minutes. 

2. Avoid thinking about twenty other things you've consciously strive focusing on your breath and do this every single day for 20-25 minutes.

3. just a single thing and distract yourself from every other thought .only you have to concentrate on one single thing.

Benefits of meditation

Benefits of meditation

A recent study done is UCLA show that people who meditate have a higher level of Gyrification in your brain. Gyrification means the foules  in the cortex of your brain and these enhance Amount of foules actually linked with a faster processing power you're essentially becoming smarter and your brains becoming faster and more active through meditation. 
Long term meditation was linked with more Gyrification. The more you meditate the more you  Gyrification and the more processing power so essentially you can think of meditation as some kind of a brain workout where you're enhancing the power of your brain by just meditating for 10-20 minutes a day. Some studies that shows the meditation changes certain parts of your brain it increases the size of those parts that are linked with happiness, linked with the ability to learn to memorize and to focus what's even cooler is that meditation has been linked to decrease those areas that are linked with depression and stress. 

Essentially you're just enhancing your overall state of being through something as simple as meditation. 

Now the theoretical definition of meditation is means 'Disconnect'. When you meditate you're just supposed disconnect from your real life, don't think of too many things you're just supposed to concentrate on your own breath. Which was the average person is kind of hard to do, you can't just sit in one place and meditate and disconnect from everything else obviously you're going to have a lot of thoughts in your head. What you need to understand is that this is completely normal it's human nature.

Encourage yourself to meditate and make  you meditate for atleast 10-20 minutes every single day that's all you need to know.                



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