Thursday, May 7, 2020

Best way to Lose belly fat

Best way to Lose belly fat

Belly fat

Today's blog we're talking about to lose belly fat. Unfortunately for all chubby guys and girls are prone to depositing fat on your lower belly. Also this type of problem are down to your genetics, but you can change is your fitness goal and taking proper healthy meal will helps you to burn out your Belly fat.

Some golden rules for lose belly fat

1. Quit sugar: I always said that to all chubby guys for quit sugar, because sugar cause really bad effect to your belly fat and over all body. If you use it in tea or coffee,please remember that you have to use a minimal amount of sugar once a day. So keep away from sugar.

2. Stay away from fast food: In today's generation guys like to enjoy a lot of outside food,snacks and cold beverages. These all are guaranteed responsible for over fat on your body.

3. Healthy food: you have to understand that what are the type of healthy food is. There are two carb sources that is Simple carbs and Complex carb. Simple carbs contains high fat carbs that are really unhealthy for you. That's why you have give priority to complex carbs. Because complex carbs are low in fat and slow digestive nutrition. That helps you for reducing Belly fat. Also keep protein source diet in your every meal that's good for repairing your muscles.
 Know more about simple carbs and Complex carbs click here

Exercise For Lose belly fat

1. Single Forearm plank:
Forearms plank
In the single Forearm plank place your forearms on the ground with the elbows,aligned below the shoulders and arms parallel to the body and hold this for 30-40 seconds.

2.  Sit-ups:
Best way to lose belly fat
Sit on the floor and bend your knees, keep them together and keep your hands on your chest or on your temples while doing the sit-ups please avoid putting your hands behind you head while doing the sit-ups.

3. Knee high crunches:
In this exercise you have to lay on the floor, bend your knees and keep your legs raised and aim to touch the knees with your elbows. Keep your hands by the side of your head and squeeze the stomach when your elbows touch the knees.

4. Basic Crunches:
Best way to lose belly fat
Lay on the floor, bend your knees and place your hands by the side of your head. Now slowly contract your abs bringing your shoulder blades off the floor you need to make sure you're lifting your shoulder off the floor for this exercise to be effective.

Vegetables for Belly fat

Cucumber salad

Green vegetables are very best source of Nutrition. These kind of veggies like cucumbers, cabbage, broccoli. You have to eat them raw, remember you don't need to cook green vegetables. For reducing lower belly fat green vegetables is best.

  It contains Many types of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibres. You have to know that raw green vegetables is most helpful for reducing Belly fat. Also eat making salad of these and take instead of your snacks.



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