Tuesday, July 14, 2020

the top skin tips for teen skin care | teenage skin care tips

the top skin tips for teen skin care

In this blog I'm gonna giving you the most important top skin care for teenagers, We know that all teenagers skin suffering from the skin problems.
Teenager's usually go through a rough patch,
Hormones completely change your body we're talking about  your skin. If you follow this tips that i have for you in this blog, your skin is gonna improve and the annoying pimples and acne will go away.

Best Skin tips for teenagers

1. Avoid touching your face: Stop touching your face especially nowadays with everything that's going on with this virus outbreak we need to be careful. At school/college your hands are gonna be all over the desks and the books and other places all of that bacteria will stick to your finger tips, So when you touch your face it gets transferred right into your skin. Into your eyes,nose, mouth.  So please be careful, don't touch your face too many times, also wash your hands make sure that your hands are squeaky clean.

2. Observe your Skin type: Everyone's skin is different so it's very important that you find out what type of skin that you have.
There are five main skin tone.
                         1. Normal
                         2. Oily
                         3. Dry
                         4. Combination
                         5. Sensitive.
Understand your skin type that's going to give you a much better idea of how to treat acne breakouts to get smooth clear skin.

In Normal skin, you're usually fine you know but sometimes they make it oily or dry it's typically though the easiest skin to take care.

With dry skin, you have to stay away from products that are too harsh and that are going to dry out your skin even more and don't take long showers because that dries your skin even more.

With oily skin, you want to exfoliate twice a week because that build-up of oil can cause dead skin cells to become trapped in the pores and that leads to pimples. But you've to be careful just because you have oily skin it doesn't mean that you should be using like a very harsh products or chemicals to dry everything out start with something more gentle, see how that affects your skin and then move on to different products if it doesn't get any better.

Now Combination skin, you've to use these techniques different parts of your face. Some guys skin have an oily forehead and oily nose, but dry side like jaw. In this condition you've to exfoliate your nose and forehead.  And stay away the oily products in those areas. You've to be really careful with your face.

 Guys with Sensitive skin, you just really have to be careful when gentle with what you apply or put on your face.  When you go easy do not exfoliate with anything that's going to hurt your face read all the ingredients labels you know always make sure to test the products in a small area before using it all over the face. If you have sensitive skin because otherwise you're gonna go full red, gonna hurt your face and that's not gonna look good.

3. Wash your face twice a day : guys you've to wash your face twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening to get rid of all the dirt all that gunk from your handsome face.
After wash your face,  you've to moisturize regardless of your skin type, even if it's oily you should moisturize it that's gonna help your body regulate the amount of oils being produced on your face.
 so, moisturize after each time that you wash your face.

4. Exfoliate your face : Exfoliate your face twice a week. If you have extra oily skin you can even do it three times a week as long as it's a light exfoliant, exfoliant should feel a little bit sandy in your hands they feel kind of weird they feel gritty, you know they lightly scrub away all of those impurities that clog your pores that cause acne.

5. Use sunscreen : You've to use sunscreen guys, this is gonna save your skin for years to come. It's never too early to start applying sunscreen on a daily basis.

6. Hydrate yourself : Something that you can't forget,Drink water.
Drink lots of water besides hydrating us.
Water gonna flush out all the toxins and all the impurities from our bodies.
You guys are teens you guys are you know busy with school/college, busy with sports, friends etc and sometimes you forget to drink water So, get a nice water bottle you can take to school or wherever you're going every single day. Make it a goal to drink two of those water bottles during the school hours. So you're getting enough water in your body.
If you follow these tips, I can guarantee that your skin will look Clear , so much better.



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