Saturday, May 30, 2020

How to grow beard faster Naturally | 8 tips to grow beard faster

How to grow beard faster Naturally

beard man,grow your beard faster

Today's blog is all about Beard, also a very popular thought for beard that No shave November. Which means a lot of guys gonna be trying to grow out their beards. Well in this blog I'm gonna give you guys a bunch of tips which helps to grow beard faster, Naturally you can achieve that you've been looking for.
Weather you want a full bushy beard or you want to rock the stubble like I've been also doing for a while.

8 Natural tips to Grow beard faster

1. Understand your beard growth:
beard man, grow your beard faster
the first thing you're gonna need to do to grow your beard naturally, you've to actually understand how your beard grows, in the first place please stop Shaving your beard.
Many guys does this mistake they shave their beard continuously for full growth of beard, but it's a biggest mistake.
So stop Shaving and just let it grow out for a week or 14 days  to see where your patches are, how long it takes for it to grow and what you're working with.
beard man, grow beard fastly
Genetics will obviously play a huge role in this so you know that take some time to let your beard grow and understand how your body works does the left side grow faster than the right side. Do you've have patches in some specific place, is it thick hair or pretty thin and does it even grow at all and also you've to make sure to look around at your family look your dad, you know just because if your dad can grow a beard then it's more likely that you'd be able to grow in as well.

2. Exfoliate your Skin: A lot of guys don't know is that exfoliating your skin will actually  help you Grow your beard faster. Because exfoliation actually gets rid of dead skin cells and makes way for new ones and it opens up the way for your beard to grow faster, also its gonna help you to get rid of ingrown hairs which can be pain in the neck literally.

3. Perfect diet:
beard growing diet, grow beard faster
Perfect diet also plays a vital role for grow your beard faster. Make sure that your diet is on point alright make sure it's heavy on protein, biotin, fish oils because these are things that will help your body produce what it needs to not only grow beard ,but also better health of your hair regardless of where it is So, hair anywhere else.
Having a diet that's heavy on protein will also help you not only your hair but in so many other different ways like build up lean muscles.
Improve your diet is directly going to give you a lot of benefits such as having a thicker beard, healthier hair also healthy lifestyle which is exactly what you want.

4.beard oils/beard growth products:
How to grow beard faster Naturally | 8 tips to grow beard faster
If you try to Naturally grow your beard, you gave it some time, you've to improve your diet. Even though they're not natural they're definitely gonna achieve the beard that you've been looking for. You've the option to use Beard oil
If you're 18years older then you may be able to use Beard oils and other beard growth products basically Beard oil are the main for growth of beard. Even though it's not natural it's a good alternative if you believe that having facial hair or filling up those patches will give you the confidence boost that you need.
But personally i don't recommend these products to you. Please do some research on these products before you start to using it. Because there are some side effects also its not a guaranteed that this products really going to work.

5. Moisturize your skin: keep your skin moisturize, because it's help to the recover dead skin of your face that'll help you to grow beard.

6.Wash your face:
How to grow beard faster Naturally | 8 tips to grow beard faster
make a habit to wash your face twice a day, because your face contains too much dirt after a day from work. Also the dirt stuck into your face cells that damages your skin pores, so you've to wash your face twice a day, make clean your face that directly helps to improve face skin quality also repair your blocked pores.

7. Exercise:
exercise for grow beard faster

There are so many scientific reasons that why you want to be exercising, it has too many benefits growing a beard is one of the exercising increases your testosterone level which is one of the key components and growing out of beard.
Exercise increases blood flow all around your body, also with the increased in blood flow is actually going to give you more energy also it's going to help you grow your beard faster.

8. Massage/brushing your beard Area:
grow beard faster, beard brush, brushing beard
massage brings the good blood flow in your beard area also you've to brushing it. It's one of those secrets that most guys don't know.
By brushing your beard you're actually increasing the blood flow in that specific area which then helps simulate the growth of  beard hair.
The other benefit of brushing your beard is that you actually train it to grow downwards,
So whenever you brushing it downwards you're training it to grow in that same direction as you're stimulating growth, you want to train it to grow down. make sure that it's neat even though it's full all right you don't want to look wild.

If you're trying to let your beard grow naturally then stop Shaving it, stop trimming it. I know lots of guys think that when you trim it or shave it , it's help to grow faster but that is simply not true. You're literally just delaying the growth by doing that so don't do it unless you're trying to even it out or shape it up which is fine, but it's not gonna speed up the process.
So improve your diet, gave it some time also keep in mind take a proper good quality sleep. Because sleep helps to oxygenate your body more while you're sleeping, so it's helps to oxygenate your face skin cells in a proper way, take good quality sleep.

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Friday, May 29, 2020

Best fashion Trend 2020 | Top 7 latest fashion for 2020

Best fashion Trend 2020 

Latest fashion trends for men

In today's world there were a lot of people don't know about the current fashion trends, they only live in Simplicity, actually they don't know proper about men's style and fashion trends. So in today's blog I'm gonna talking about Top Best Best fashion Trend 2020.
I think that this year gonna be bold fashion choices. Let's get straight to the topic.
latest men fashion

 read also: athleisure clothing

Best 7 latest Fashion Trends to be follow

1.Biker Jackets/Bomber jackets:
mens fashion latest
latest fashion trends mens
The First trend that i already started seeing , and that will be really hot in 2020 as Fashion Trends.
This is actually one of my favourite fashion trend. Basically taking the classic biker jacket to the next level. I'm talking about rhinestone Cools stitching designs, those are all gonna be super hot super sexy in present trends.
If you already own a leather jacket you can actually do it yourself, right you can add Some stud Designs to the leather jackets and make it look really awesome.

2. Multi-functional Vests:
latest fashion trends, latest fashion mens
This kind of fashion are really derived from the European countries and other foreign countries like USA and UK. Recently I've been seeing so many guys are just rocking these it's Such a coolish look. This fashion will also be coming in india soon, also many dudes have been started this trend. But keep in mind one thing that always wear this trend whenever you're going for a camp or some other adventures places,Or in winter season also.
Multifunctional vest over a Full sweat shirt gives you the best level look.

3. Vintage watches:
latest fashion mens, fashion trends for mens
Small Vintage watches in new look are definitely going in trends. They've already made a really strong comeback in mid 2019. We saw the trend going from those massive bulky watches to smaller watches. So small flat surface watches are honestly a great investment.
Keep in mind that the big digital watches are not in demanding currently also those kind of watches are specially for sports point of view not for fashion trend. You have an another option is that to go with metallic watches, it gives you the mature.
Simple small plain watch are the best choice Go with these kind of watch for giving yourself a next level version in style.
Leather strap watches looks very rich and great, my personally favourite colour is dark brown when it's comes to the leather strap watch.

4. Modern Cargo pants:
latest fashion trends, fashion trends for mens
In previous Some year Everyone stayed as far away as possible from cargo pants. You know they were not cool they looked little bit horrible.
But the new cargo pants coming out now they're different, really they're more modern. They fall into that functionional category kind of the best that we talked about a little bit.
We see that most of the Hollywood and bollywood actors are followed these kind of fashion trends. Really it's too trendy now.
I would even say that pockets in general are trendy and we see more pockets on outfits nowadays, pay attention you're gonna see more and more pockets. So, yes Get some cargo pants you can make them look super dope with a chunky sneakers. You can go for a casual party, for clubbing and for chilling out. I would suggest you that always wear it with a jacket, because it enhances your all over outfit and you'll be looking very stylish person.

5. Light Denim Jeans:
latest fashion trends, fashion trends mens
A lot of 90s hype going on right now and light wash denim is very nineties so, you're gonna look awesome wearing when you're wearing lighter shades of Denim the key is to keep it casual. Also keep in mind don't try to over dress them, definitely don't go for a formal look with the light wash denim. Try to keep it casual,try to keep it stylish as you can. And if you have no idea about shoes to wear then start off with white sneakers because they're usually going to look a lot better than dark sneakers.
Believe me you'll be looking very stud if you follow this Best fashion trend rule.

6. Full body Track suits:

latest fashion trends, fashion trends
Not long ago full body Track suits were considered to be a little bit tacky. I still think they need to be born for a specific ocassion like hiking, or  going to the gym or any other sports activities.  But they're cool now they also a part of best Fashion Trends currently. I personally prefer keeping full body Track suits simple not too tight not too loose , it should be body hugging. And in simple colourway wise you know black and grays.
Full track suits can make it look like you take care of yourself from a physical perspective and that's a positive.

7. Flip-flop Sliders:
Best fashion Trend,latest footwear fashion
Sliders are really started to rise in 2019 as your comfy casual loungewear option and they're gonna go strong Best fashion Trend 2020 for footwear as well, Weather you're just chilling at home or going for outside, Chilled day at beach side Flip-flops are the great practical option.
Now obviously Sliders aren't the most likes fashionable pair of footwear out there, but compared to like regular flip-flops and sandals they are much sleeker and more modern option that not only look better than those but they're also more comfortable as well.

Really I think that these are gonna be best fashion Trend in 2020 or in 2021, because all the fashion trends are coming from the retro trends with some modifications, that's look really great. Some people are don't know about fashion trends but now a lot of people accepted these kind of fashion trend. These fashion hacks are going to the next level of fashionstyle also gives the great look to all kind of people.
Turn on your Fashion mind towards the latest trend and show it them to all. That how much fashionable you're.

If you like this Blog make sure you'll be sharing this to your friends, also follow me on my Instagram if you have any queries or want another blog about fashion, Fitness then DM.


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

5 Best shoulder workouts and Exercise | Get Bigger Shoulders

5 Best shoulder workouts and Exercise | Get Bigger Shoulder

5 best shoulder workout | get bigger shoulder

In today's blog I'm gonna talking about the Best Shoulder Workouts to get Bigger Shoulder like Boulders. Bigger Shoulder really enhance our body physics, also gives the V-tappered shape of our body. With the help of big shoulders our dressing sense will increase, everyone can Clearly see the Sexiness that comes through our outfit.

If you want 3D looking Delts like any Athletes , the first thing you want to keep in mind is Fat Percentage. Your fat percent has to be low if you want bulky Shoulders.
And the Second thing you need to understand is that anatomy of a shoulder from a bodybuilding standpoint. So from a bodybuilding standpoint your deltoids is made of three heads the first is the front head or the anterior head.
The second is the medial head or the middle head and the third is the posterior deltoid or the backside of the shoulder. But from a bodybuilding perspective, Posterior deltoids training is more a back workout thing.
When we talking about Shoulder Workout, I feel that the Focus Should be front part of the anterior deltoids. And the medial deltoid of the middle part for that side waist bunch.

5 Best Shoulder Workouts

1. Barbell Over head press:
5 best shoulder workouts | get bigger shoulder
Focus on your anterior deltoids now when you look at any aesthetic bodybuilder from a front angle you'll see the anterior delts pop. So if you want to target your anterior deltoids there's nothing that works like a barbell Overhead press. Personally I feel that when it's comes to shoulder Workouts, a lot of people do not focus on the strength aspects of the shoulders.
Now you got understand that how much you push in your overhead press has a direct carryover to your bench press for your chest and just from that standpoint, I feel you should focus a lot on your barbell overhead press.
Begins with 3-4 sets of overhead press, in each of these sets keep in mind, you wanna go only up to 80% of failure so and your first two sets you select a basic weight and in both the sets you've go up to about twelve reps.
In your third Set you increase the little bit weight according to you and do the ten reps.
An in your fourth set increase the weight a little more than previous weight, and go up to Eight reps.

2.Dumbell over head press:
arm, shoulder workout

Attempt 3 sets of Dumbbells over head press, again you've to go up to 80% of failure every set and in every subsequent set you've to go up a little bit in terms of weight.

3. Lateral Shoulder Raise: If you want bulky Shoulders , like 3D delts you've got to focus your training on the medial deltoid again when you're looking at any asthetic body builder from a front side view, their anterior deltoids do pop. It gives your entire Shoulders width and it gives you that more broader looking feild. You look like you've a V-tapperd if you work on your medial deltoid a lot. So basic lateral Shoulder Raise is the best Exercise for good Shoulder.
Lot of people do just 2-3 sets of of this. But i think that your medial deltoid in terms of asthetics is that important the muscle group that you should be doing a lot more sets of it. You should do the 5-6 sets of lateral Shoulder raises.
So use light for lateral Shoulder Raise, and focus on your correct forms of training.

4. Front Raises: If you want to take the volume of your workout a little bit further we can go back to targeting the anterior delts.
Do the 3 sets of Front raises. When every set you've to go up to 80% of failure.
Make sure you don't swing your arms ,make sure that the movement is completely in control.

5.reverse flies with chest support: For this Workout you need an adjustable bench that can you adjust according to you, approximately around 45 degree. You just lay on the bench with chest support and your head and neck should above the end of bench Cushion.
A lot of people make mistakes that they choose heavy dumbbells for doing this sets. But my advice is that you should put light dumbbells for better pump and correct forms of position. After that you can choose a little bit heavy weight according to you.
So put the light weight Dumbbells, and activate your Shoulders muscles by pumping  the chest out and bring the Shoulders back and bends your elbows slightly.Without letting your shoulders shrug up on your ears  bring the weight apart in the  reverse fly, pause for a little hardly a Seconds at  top and lower slowly for the single rep.

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Monday, May 25, 2020

How to look more muscular | 7 dressing tips

How to look more muscular | 7 dressing tips

Muscular man in t-shirt

7 dressing tips to help you look more muscular, you do not have to be someone who goes to the gym if you want to implement these tips.
I'm gonna be giving you easy hacks,but most importantly I'm going to give you a fashion trick. There are some mistakes that a lot of buff guys make when it comes to dressing So, let's get straight to it.

Read also: Skinny guy fashion tips

7 dressing tips to help you look more muscular 

1. Tailor & Fit clothing
Men in white t-shirt fashion
Go find yourself a tailor and I'll tell you why, you pick up any t-shirt from your wardrobe an you can absolutely enhance that t-shirt make it look more expensive more stylish and more fitted just by two simple steps firstly you reduce the length of your sleeves till above your arms and triceps. It's not so short that it makes it feminine and it's not so long that it doesn't show off your body it just shows off your body the correct amount. 
Your t-shirt should touch your biceps and the other thing you want to do is you want to tighten it just the right amount so you want to have a little bit of space so that you can pull your t-shirt, but overall you keep it skin hugging.

2. Narrow Ankle Pants: Now you got to understand that style trends with pants keep changing and that current trend is to wear a narrow base pant. So you see a regular chinos or your jeans they look much more stylish if they have a narrow base around your ankle it should be fitted.
Now what does this do for a fit guy so just how tight sleeves shows your biceps, tight and narrow bases of pants enhance your butt. Keep in mind someone who squat you're not just working your leg you're also working your glutes and a good looking glute can absolutely kill it for your overall outfit. 

So the rule at least for the next some years or soo, is go find yourself a tailor and go tell him to narrow down all your pants. If you're someone who wears baggy jeans. That's okay, you can fix your baggy jeans by narrowing just the bottom.

3. Select Correct Size: If you're someone who goes to the gym i get you like to show off your muscles that's a natural thing for a gym guy , but in the process of showing off a lot of guys wear extra tight clothes.
But people who loot at you wearing extra tight clothes they don't perceive you like that they perceive you as that you're over showing off with your muscles.
It gives out an insecure vibe. That's what you need to remember you don't want to fall into that category that's a really big fashion mistake people make. Don't choose wrong size cloths, always select Correct Size clothes , that hugs your body not skinny tight.

4. Collar:
How to look more muscular
Don't underestimate that what a collar can do to the overall look of your t-shirt now a lot of fit guys make this mistake of only wearing tight round neck t-shirts because they wanna show off their arms in every outfit that they wear. But keep in mind  just changing up a little bit can go miles in showing off your body if you want to show off your physique your collar can seriously affect your game. Choose V neck collar t-shirt and other option is that you can also choose polo tshirt. Polo t-shirt enhance your physique and you looks more great with your physique.
Also you've to be go with Shirts , lot of fit guys don't like to wear shirt but my advice is to wear a good slim fit shirt.

5. Pants: if you want to show your muscles of thighs, you should have to buy a regular slim fit pants or straight cut pants. Keep in mind that your pant should not be too tight with your ankle portion. It should be slightly narrow but not more than that. Go for chinos and regular slim fit jeans, always keep in mind choose correct size for yourself. 

How to look more muscular
Have a few shorts in your wardrobe, if you want to look stylish and the rule for that , you do not wear baggy shorts, whatever the situation is baggy shorts are a biggest style mistake. 
You want to wear straight cut shorts that are kind of body hugging but not tight again.

7. Slim fit Shirt:
How to look more muscular
always Choose Slim fit shirts because slim fit shirt will always enhance your look. Even if you're a super skinny guy seriously consider going for slim fit shirts once in a while. And if you're a fit guy go for a streatchy slim fit shirt. Really it's look very classy and versatile.


Saturday, May 23, 2020

How to boost your confidence | 5 Rules for boost your confidence

How to boost your confidence

5 Rules for boost your confidence

In this blog I'm gonna talking about that instantly how to boost your confidence level. just like any muscle of your body,your mind strength level can also be improve over time when you make use of some key points. I've Some rules for gaining Confidence.

5 Rules for boost your confidence

1. Understand the people's club:
5 Rules for boost your confidence
there are two kinds of people club, you've gotta understand the mind set of people. First the kind of people who don't really judge you immediately. But that's only about half the human population, most human beings are immediate to judge another human being based on that other human beings external appearance. You know how they tell you that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. 
To be honest a lot of human beings do judge you by a cover. And that's why you've gotta care about dressing smart,you've gotta care about grooming yourself. Are you looking neat and tidy. You even gotta care about your body odours like your mouth odour or how you smell. You've gotta apply a little bit of perfume.
Once you've ticked all these boxes, I believe that you covers whole external appearance game.
And this is when we came on to the internal appearance, As much as confidence is about how you look on the outside. 
Confidence and its core is how you feel about yourself on the inside.
2. Positivity & happiness:
5 Rules for boost your confidence
human beings are naturally drawn to smiles and happiness. Every single room you got to, every single conversation you enter, Go with positivity and happiness. The moment you bring happiness and positivity into a conversation, it just makes the person you're talking to get into some kind of comfort zone. You do the job of becoming happy, becoming a little bit positive bring that into conversation and you'll automatically become boost your confidence.
3. Body language:
A lot of people who don't focus on is the correcting body language. Even if you're in internally confident person, sometime the wrong body language Can give out the wrong signals. 
                          No Slouching: don't slouch and walk around on. Don't slouch and talk to a person. Keep your back straight and convey confidence.
                          No close body language: don't fidget with your fingers, never ever fold your arms and talk to another human being, it conveys you're not interested in the conversation.
                          Eye Contact: While you're in conversation, look into the eyes of the person that you've talking too. Don't look down, don't look around.
                          Face people: while you're talking with some one the moment you angling your body away ,the moment you feedlings with your hand ,the moment you looking down it just tells the other person that okay may be this person is uncomfortable to talking with me So I should back off. 'Never make people back off'. Keep some open body language going, keep your back straight look right into the person, you've nothing to hide you bring them positivity and happiness once again.      
 4. Avoid Comparison & Add Curiosity: The biggest reason that people feel under confident is because the constantly in a state of comparison. They think that what other think about him. He so smart, She so good ,And I'm really nothing. 
 At every single stage of conversation and of life in general you've got perceive yourself As a king or a queen. 
 You're confident, you're perfect and you're no less than any one else you talk too. 
 Keep the self perception active in your head.
 But the Second factor is just as important you've gotta add curiosity to the conversation, just because you're a king or a queen doesn't mean the other person is any less than you. So please Avoid or subtract the comparison but add curiosity.
 If you're in conversation with others , be curious about what they saying ,be interested about their conversation. If they express their opinion on a topic feel free and also express your opinion.
 5. Try to Spoke:
5 Rules for boost your confidence
Confidence is one of those thing that you can build on as time passes. This rule is all about practice to spoke.
 If you don't know someone in a work place if you've got strange at your work place or at a party, Go up and talk to them initiate conversation. 
Don't think about other I know sometimes others can't interested in you, don't worry about it you just step back and walk away.
Remember one thing don't be shy with others know these all 5 Rules about confidence,It may helps you a lot.

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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Handsome men | 8 Daily habits for handsome personality

How to become more handsome

How to become handsome

In today's blog I'm gonna talking about the habits to make you look more classic and handsome men. If you follow this rules than you'll be surely become handsome.
Oxygen is the most important for your body and hair health. Let's straight to the topic, here some basic daily habits that helps you to look most handsome person.

8 Daily habits for handsome personality

pranayama is the best exercise, actually it's a kind of exercise wich relates your oxygen. 
It helps to increase in blood oxygen levels, when if your body oxygenation increases,it's help to boost your hair,skin health and organs too.
This exercise like meditation. You've to only sit with straight back and focusing on your breath. 
While you breathing In, Count till 10. It means hold the breath for 10 seconds. After this release breath for 10 seconds. Whenever you doing this, your lungs and blood get oxygenated better.
That's why more oxygen to your body,makes your skin quality good.
How to become handsome
whenever you went outside from your home, you've to be always notice that smells come through your body, if you feel the bad smell, that's the biggest mistake of grooming.
When you went outside, keep in mind always use the deodorant, perfume or talcum powder.
3.Class/dress Sense:
How to become handsome
if you want to look classy, remember that you shouldn't look like a child. Don't wear too eye catching cloths like a child. If you wear like Orange, Red, pink, dark blue. You've to wear with dark coloured jeans/pant. 
If you don't know what to wear, than you only stick with basic manly colours like black,grey, navy blue, brown, white,olive green.
How to become handsome
Having patchy beards is really very disturbing also looks too childy. So, if you have patches on beard please take a clean shave look. Or if you have deep beards/full beards, than always use good beard products and maintain neatly.
Good quality sleep
Good quality sleep is the best for yourself. Because it also helps to oxygenate your body. If you only sleep for 6-7 hours remember that your sleep should be in good quality, it's done with the help of sleep hygiene. For maintaining the sleep hygiene, the most important thing 100% darkness in your room.
Sleep in a silent environment. Also keep in mind don't eat something 2-3 hours before you sleep.
Don't use mobile 1 hour before you sleep.
Take seriously the sleep hygiene, it'll definitely help your hair and skin quality to improve.

Read also: best sleep of your life

6. Reverse physical Factors:
It means for eg. Whenever your confidence is too low, than your face expressions express it. Also your body posture look too dull. It all happens through your brain. Because your brain has a control to your body, but also you've to know that Your body language Can influence your brain.
So, whenever you feel sad, low in confidence than you only keep a simple smile on your face and straight your back like a warrior,  Think positive vibes. This will helps the brain to release feel good hormones to your body.
7. Protein factors:
If you want to take care of your skin and hair health. You must add protein factors to your every meal like chicken, fish, eggs.
If you're vegetarian guy, you've to take paneer, Daal, Soya chunks, and nuts like almond, cashew, pista.

         Pro biotic foods: Dahi (yoghurt)

      There are good bacteria in our stomach, which is very beneficial for our health. So, these are the  pro-biotic foods will helps our good bacteria of stomach for running proper digestive system.

8. Vegetables:
Include vegetables in your every meal. Basically vegetables are in good nutrient in compare to the fruits. 
Choose vegetables, it helps to improve your skin and hair quality. Also vegetables are low in fat and gives you the proper nutrition to your body.


Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Chest workout at home

Chest workout at home 

Chest workout at home

Today's blog is all about the Chest workout at home for men and women especially if you're a beginner in the fitness process.
If you're a guy who's got that lower chest fat and you were to burn it off or even if you're a girl who wants to work on your overall strength level, today's blog is for you.
We're talking about free body movements,but we will talk about  a few weighted movement. If you've a pair of dumbbells at home it's great but even if you don't that's alright. Use school bag if you don't have dumbbells.
Chest workout at home
Your chest is primarily works in two kinds of movements anything were you pushing something away from your body or anything where you're doing that movement were you bringing your arms near each other.

Exercise for Chest workout at home

Push-up at home
firstly the bent knee pushups where you can't do the regular push-up. You hinge yourself on your knees keep your arms shoulder width apart and just go for it.
But I suggest to anyone chasing fitness goals is that you should be able to execute the regular push-up.
So when you're doing your regular push-up, your feet need to be shoulder width apart but  of you're finding this a little bit hard remember that the wider you keep your feet the easier the push-up becomes.
So, don't keep it too wide but if you're finding shoulder width a little bit difficult you can make it slightly wider than that as for arms these is where gets strictly You need to understand that the wider you keep your arms the more your PEC muscle or your chest muscles is getting work.
The narrower you bring your arms the more your triceps comes into place.
The angle we select will be directly under the line of your lower chest not too low, not too High. Almost at shoulder width little bit below the lower back. That's the kind of line we go for.
               Body Shape:
Push ups at home
you just want to keep a bit of a bend at your hip, but the rest of your body that's from your hip to your ankle and from your hip to your neck all that should be straight your body should be slightly hinged near your bum. So, keep your bum slightly raised throughout the movement but the rest of your body should be straight as far as possible. It shouldn't bend it shouldn't shake and it shouldn't move.
    Complete range motion: when you're doing it at home a complete range of motion. This means you want to go as low as possible and push up from there even if you can do just one or two reps with a complete range of motion that's better than doing half reps.
    And if you want to take a push-up Game a little bit further you can add resistance using a school bag. so strap on your school bag and perform push-ups with that.
Press is one of the most classic chest movements that performed in the gym. There's a decline press of flat bench press and incline bench press.

Change in the movement is the angle of your arms to your torso. The smaller the angle the  lower it hits your chest.
So if you perform the decline press with a small angle you're hitting your lower chest of you perform an incline press you're hitting your upper chest and if you do a flat press you're hitting the overall mass of your chest.
now keep in mind we don't have the luxury of having a bench at home. And that's why we go for our best friend the Bed.
Now, when you're doing any kind of press movement any kind of chest movements on your bed, Rule no.1: keep your back arch. if you find a comfortable keep your feet near your bum and that's why you can perform this movement.

                         2: Try going for a very big             
                                   Range of motion.
                               3: Sides of dumbbells
                               Should touch the sides
                               Of your chest.
When you going up you want to squeeze your chest just a little bit and ofcourse keep in mind you want to go with a full range motion.       
Now if you don't have dumbbells at home make sure you use school bag once again try handling the bag such the weight of the bag is divided into your two hands equally once again go the complete range of motion.   Take the bag as low as it goes and push it as high as it goes with a squeeze at the top of your movement. 
3. Chest Fly movement
Chest press workout
: The Chest fly once again the same precautions as your pressing movement keep a slight arch in your lower back keep. Keep your feet near your bum and when you're taking your arms down take them as low as they go to increase the range of motion at the top make sure you squeeze a  little bit as of you're hugging a firm object like a tree and also keep in mind very importantly that inner chest fly, it's an isolation movement you're isolating your chest that means you want to only use your chest alone and no other muscle.
So, in order to perform an isolation movement fantastically you need to make sure that the angle of your arm throughout the movement has to stay constant the only joint that should move is your shoulder joint.
Chest workout at home
So fix an angle say about 10 to 20 degrees in your arm take your arm low and with that same angle lifted up till the top.
If you don't have dumbbells, once again you can use your bag but keep in mind this is an isolation movement it's a very difficult we're going to perform. And also make sure your bag is super light weight. You shouldn't burn out in five or six reps of doing this movement you shouldn't feel any awkward pressure on your shoulder all the pressure should be targeted towards your chest so very light pseudo dumbbells. at your bag very light bag and that's when you perform the movement one side at a time. 
Workout shouldn't be something where you feel completely exhausted at the end of it you should only feel a little bit of burn to initiate that growth of muscles.

Actually workout plan For Chest 

15-20 minutes workout
30-60 seconds breaks.
Target the 10-12 reps range.


Thursday, May 14, 2020

Top 7 benefits of watermelon

Benefits of watermelon

Top 7 benefits of watermelon

In today's blog I'm gonna talking about the special benefits of watermelon. In during summer season watermelon is really good for our health. it's also beneficial during workout session.

Top 7 benefits of watermelon

Top 7 benefits of watermelon

1.Watermelon contains Vitamin B6, whenever you're during workout session you need to intake lots of protein by your body weight.
When you intake too much protein, then you need B6 Vitamin also. For your nervous system.
B6 helps to break down your amino acid. It basically breaks down your protein for better absorption. And other vitamins like potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C. Also
2.vitamin C: is Most important for our body, which increases immune system. Boost immune system is better during workout session.
3. Citrulline:  Citrulline is an amino acid. When if your body breaks it, it converts into the ARGININE.
Watermelon presents the citrulline which converts into arginine, that helps to open up your blood vessels. When you get the nutrients through your diet, they get proper absorption and better flow to your body. It helps to pump your muscles during workout.  more blood flow to your body.
4. Helps to reduce ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION: If you suffering through this kind of problem, This is the best solution for you. It open up your blood vessels and definitely reduce your ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. That's why you don't need to medication.
5. LYPOCENE: It's an antioxidant. Basically LYPOCENE are present in red colour fruits and vegetables like, tomato, Watermelon etc. It's help to Reduce the inflamation from your body. That's why it acts as a anti-inflammatory.
6. Hydration: As we all know that watermelon contain 90% of water. It's best fruit to Eating during summer. This fruit will help you to keep hydrated to your body.
7. Improve hair and Skin quality: watermelon contain Vitamin A, which helps to get you the healthy skin during summer season. It creates and repair your skin cells that damages by the Sun rays. And Vitamin C also makes your skin supple. It  makes your hair quality good and strong.

How much to Eat watermelon

2 Cups in 1 Serving: if you do the workout, then take it before 1hour to your exercise session. It's kind a pre-workout fruit.
If you don't workout then you can take about 400-500 grams a day.

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