Wednesday, April 29, 2020

How to lose weight without exercise

How to lose weight without exercise

Today's blog I'm talking about how to lose weight fast and easily at home without any exercise. Also this blog is about the diet side of weight loss.remember how you look and your weight depends primarily on your diet, exercise does help you a little bit I'd say it's about 20% to 30% of your overall weight loss journey but primarily your weight loss is dependent on your diet. But in truth weight loss isn't about following a fixed meal  plan.weight loss is learning about food science and making better food decisions and also understanding that you're living in 2020, you've already grownup in a time when junk food and dessert and delicious food has been all around you so if you want to lose weight successfully you have to incorporate those factors you can't follow a diet unless it's actually a fun diet to follow if you want lose weight in the long term you'll only be able to stick to a plan if you're also enjoying it along the way.

Rules for fast weight lose

Calorie input and output=  the main key to losing weight is the caloric theory. you are calories out need to be more than calories in every single day up till the point that  reach your target weight So, your target weight is 65 kgs till the point you reach that 65kgs mark on the weighing scale you constantly need to create a caloric deficit every single day. Now the way I look at it the speed of your weight loss is decided by a scale on one side of the scale it's an easier version of weight loss you're able to lose weight very easily and you don't have to make that many sacrifices, you don't have to follow that many rules. You'd end up losing about 0.5 kgs every single week and that's a very great healthy way of losing weight and that's what you should stick to as you move up on the scale as you level up, you reach the end of the scale which is the slightly harder versions of weight loss.
When you have to follow certain protocols certain diet plans like ketogenic diet plan which make it a little bit more difficult for you which asked for most sacrifices from your end.

if you want to begin your weight loss journey, it begins by cutting off or reducing on dessert.because it's got sugar which is an addictive substances that creates the same reaction in your brain that any kind of cocaine does. Secondly it got dirty carbohydrates like maida which are again not meant to be in your system. in any dessert has a lot of fat added to it.if you want to begin your weight loss journey, Then give up to the desserts or at least reduce them.
carbohydrates= there's good carbohydrates that complex carbohydrate or low GI carbohydrates and there's bad carbohydrates that are simple carbohydrates or high GI carbohydrates. A complex carb is difficult for your body to digest so it keeps you setiated longer, it basically means that it keeps you full longer. Consider the case of white rice and brown rice. Suppose if someone who enjoys white rice,you'll need a lot of white rice to full your stomach. But when you compare to complex carbohydrate like brown rice that includes the husk of the rice it fills you a much more with a smaller amount and fewer calories and it's harder for you to digest. If you replace all the simple carbs like white bread ,
potatoes,maida with complex carbohydrate like brown rice,oats,whole wheat, sweet potatoes. You'll observe that your energy levels are much higher your satiated much longer and you'll see a change in your body composition. Because effectively you're consuming much lesser calories and still feeling full so replace all your simple carbs with complex carbs.
Paleo diet=
paleo diet it's a low carb diet where you avoid all carb sources so you'll avoid rice, potatoes,wheat any type of grain.but you'll include nonveg like Meat you will include veggies also include fruits.
Like in indian paleo diet where you'll eat fruits for your breakfast and through the rest of day you can have vegetables and you can have anything except for the carbs like wheat, Jowar, bajra,rice, ragi,nachni,semolina.

  ketogenic diet is an effective weight loss diet. This kind of diet is really a very low carb diet where your net carbs can't be higher than 20grams a day. Net carbs are all the carbs that you get from even your vegetables and those will be your only carb sources for the entire day . Strict keto that actually works there vegetables can only be green leafy can't even eat beetroot, carrots etc. Ketogenic diet make you lose weight very rapidly.


Monday, April 27, 2020

Utmost skin care routine for pimples and darkspots

Skin care routine for Anti pimples and dark spots

Today's blog I'm talking about a basic skincare routine so whether if you got oily dry skin or even regular skin, this skin-care routine will apply to you.lets talk about skin care routine.
Few rules you have got to keep in mind,  firstly you have got to wash your face minimum of twice a day. Once before going to bed and once in morning just after you get up for Just after you reach your college, office.also if you are someone's who does cardio if you like cricket or football and you end up sweating then after you come back in the middle of your after your cardio time that's the third time you can wash your face.but ideally try twice a day and only go to thrice a day on that one of occasional cardio day.

Next rule is that you should always be using chemical face wash, now there are these very big companies that say ayurvedic product but mostly the products just contain ayurvedic ingredients.the entire products in an ayurvedic the entire product is in herbal. So always buy the pure herbal product if your budget may allows also if you are rich person than you can but khadi and Kama ayurvedic products. 
This kind of routine applies to all kind of face washes whether you going herbal wether you're going normal chemical mild face wash.the same rules apply.
Firstly always recommend washing face after shaved or after a shower So after these your all the pores on your skin slightly open up so what the face wash helps you do the entire routine helps you close up the phone and it helps to clean up your skin but ayurvedic face wash also add a lot of Nutrition to your skin. Whenever you eat something your body absorb all that nutrition that's happening to your digestive system   but even if your skin is capable of absorbing certain ingredients. 

Here some tips for Ultimate face skin care routine

Aloe Vera gel=
so either you take the pea size of Aloe vera gel and then you rub it all over your hands you just apply to your whole face. Also keep in mind three main regions on your face that is cheeks,chin also your T area (forehead+nose) and sit face wash for about a minute. Then proceed to wash if off keep in mind you don't  want to wash your face with hot water. Because its gonna damage your skin and you know what to wash your face with freezing cold water because even that damages your skin so the way to go is either room temperature or tepid water.tepid is slightly hot than room temperature but nothing more than that so lukewarm or room temperature and you just wash it off. 

Natural Moisturizers = whether you have dry skin, regular skin or oily skin. These moisturizers will apply to you.firstly you need  Cotton balls because,you want to keep it clean and you don't apply these moisturizers straight up with your hands. Lot of times even your hands have dirty bacteria. So a clean Jar of cotton balls and rose water which is disinfectant, apply it twice a day on your skin. Once before heading out and once at night time before you sleeping.
Lime juice= put the cotton ball and swab inside lime juice and squeeze it out on your face. advantage of lime juice will destroy some of the blemishes on your face and fight with pimples. You can also apply Aloe vera on your face. remember that don't apply lime juice more than once to twice a week.
Anti acne product
When you've got a fresh pimple, that's very painfull that's why you should turn to the natural herbal oils. These are the regular low density skin oils they're meant for skin and pimples like sweet almond oil you can also go for rose hip oil or tea tree oil they're meant to reduce the inflamation on your face. Whenever you put them on pimple, they don't block the pimple they get absorb by the pimple and the pimple inflamation or the redness of the pimple reduces. It basically helps the pimples heal a lot faster. And then if those oil aren't work then you turn to the antibiotic but don't over use the antibiotics.always first turn to the low density oil.
Quit sugar reduce your junk food or hotel food and avoid to the  package fried snacks. Try to eat lot of vegetables salads, fruits in your diet and also keep in mind you don't over eat one particular kind food like nonveg or even a lot of one particular vegetarian protein.
Focus on your hygienic sleep which is the quality of your sleep and you meditate these both are helps to reduce stress level and increases the quality of your skin.


Sunday, April 26, 2020

Formal dressing tips for mens

Formal dressing tips for mens

Formal dressing for mens

Formal dressings or office look dressings was done to abuse strict but very simple to follow rules whether you like it or not people's perceptions of you a lot of times boils down to your fashion Sense especially when we were talking about the dressing for formal events.if you dress too casually you're not going to be taken seriously and if you dress too formally or if you dress like any other guy in the room you're not gonna stand out you're not gonna considered a well-dressed guy you're not gonna be noticed. Here Some Rules for formal dressing, how to look great in formal look.
Firstly understand that there is two types of formal dressing. First traditional formal dressing, where the rules are very strict and you have to wear those kind of clothes especially if you're going to an old-school office, where they don't give you the liberties when it comes to your fashion. well the second kind of formal dressing is modern formal or business casual (Semi formal) as they call it. Where you can play around with the rules just a little bit and you have more options to play around with.

Rules for the formal fashion 

1.shirts =
if your office is super old-school and you have to strictly follows the traditional rules,this is what you need to follow Colors only white ,baby pink or shades of blue in all three cases you have to wear lighter shades of Colors because office is mostly day time situation. For day time situation you only wear to light colors.
When it comes to office dressing,You can't wear half sleeves shirts also can't wear too loud pattern and super saturated Colors.
In old school dressing everything very very simple and sober. But we talk about modern casual patter you can't wear really very loud but you can wear very subtle pattern or with light pattern. Don't want to wear something eye catching. Give priority to lighter shades but once in a while when it comes to the business casual you can wear a few darker shades of shirts maybe black, brown, navy blue,grey shades. All of these comes in a modern formal shirts but remember these kind of rules mostly applies in the new age offices or if you're going for some kind of a formal party these are very modern formal rules that may not apply to your office.

2. Pants =
Formal dressing for mens

Once again the ground rules and then you have to be very strict with your colour selection, I talking about black,Charcoal grey and navy blue also some shades of brown. Remember pants are divided into many types like suit-pants ,trousers these are really pure formal pants if you get away wearing these you will be look like an official person. In this case always get your pants tailored to be tapered towards the base,the base of your pants always be slightly more sleek, slightly more thin and give your pants slightly Leaner feel it makes you look much sharper from a fashion perspective. But I recommend you to go with chinos. Chinos are the cross of jeans and pant.they slightly casual looking cotton pants that are tight around your thigh. You have to choose the dark shade pants with your light colour shirt.

3.belts = Use leather belts whenever you're in a formal look. Always match the colour or your belt with colour of your shoes. doesn't mean to have exact same colour but it has to be similar colour. so you wear light brown shoes with dark brown belt.

4. Footwear =
The formal footwear there are few kind of rules, firstly you're gonna colour of your Socks to that of your pant and secondly talking about dressing traditionally formal the colours of your shoes either same shades as that of your pants of one shade darker. For the modern formal shoes wear the Brogues it consists slight patterns wich looks pretty good. Also you can wear monk straps shoes slightly feminine looking shoe with buckels. Also dark coloured loafers is the best choice to wear on formal, because it increases your formal look. Which can be use in office as well as in party. You should buy little experience quality footwear because for formal footwear we should buy once. Buy the high quality shoes let them last forever. Take care of them and make sure that there well polished at all time.

5. Wrist watches =
Wrist watches are essential for formal dressing, No formal outfit is gonna be complete without a wrist watch. I prefer that wear a good quality metallic watch. But in modern formal dressing you can wear a leather strap watch. Remember that in formal dressing you can't wear digital watches or very thick and big dials watch.


Saturday, April 25, 2020

Summer fashion for men's 2020

Summer fashion for men's 2020

Best summer fashion for mens

Today's blog im gonna teach you some basic fashion tips for summer.because in India mostly teenager really don't know much about seasonal fashion, let straight to the point. How to look stud in summer and what are the best clothes for summer? If you follow this rule I guaranteed that you will be look more stylish during summer.
Firstly understand the colours, there are two types of colours that is warm colours and cool colours (light colour). In warm colours like yellow,brown, red,orange are really warm colours. And second cool type colour like white,light blue, purple and pink. Always remember that you have to gave more priority to the cool colours in summer.

Best summer fashion tips

Tip no 1= Colour matching
matching blue with grey, blue with white and blue with dark blue.
Specially blue colour is the most favorable colour always, because it suitable mostly for all guys.

Tip no 2 = Correct material for pants.
 Pants are the half part of our outfit. Most of teenagers wear denim material jeans during colleges. Denim is heavy cloth material that's why I advise you to avoid denim jeans and wear cotton material pants like Cotton Chinos, for chinos colour you can go with black,blue,grey and slightly brown and dark green.

Tip no 3 = Don't be afraid of wearing Shorts.
Best summer hack for mens
many of guys are conscious with their legs than don't wear shorts.but in summer time, if you wear the shorts with light colour shirt and a pair of flip flops or loafers than you will be the outstanding look to have.

Tip no 4= Wear Lenin material cloths.

Lenin clothing
Lenin is the light material cloth it helps you to keep away your sweat because this type of clothes helps to the airflow through the body. Yes it's expensive material but it is the best suggestion for yourself in summer. Lenin is the best ideal material.

Tip no 5= Summer Accessorie
Watches always wear light tone watch with leather straps are really gives the casual look.
You can also wear goggles with darkshades according to your face while you driving a vehicle or any other occasions.

Tip no 6= Shoes and Sleepers
Flip-flops and loafers are the best footwear to look more attractive. I don't recommend you to wear closed boots, sneakers and Chelsea boots because it covers over all your legs also they started heating up quickly.  they give you the warm look to your outfit That's why I advise you to wear opened loafers and Sleepers. Loafers are also allows to the office,don't be afraid to wear it. Also you have the option for cotton and Espadrille style shoes. This shoes are made up of light material if you don't wear the loafers than you have the other option.

Tip no 7=  Use Perfumes

  remember one thing that your overall looks is completed through perfumes. Because your smell affect your over look So don't step out without deo,perfumes,powder. 

This Seven tips helps you to get best look over summer Season. 


Thursday, April 23, 2020

How to cure Dandruff at home

How to Cure dandruff at home

Today's blog is all about How to cure Dandruff at home. There are two kinds of Dandruff the first is where the flakes just fall of your head it's not too harmful,but a lot of anti dandruff shampoo factories would want you to believe. It's not all that bad but dandruff might just be an embarrassing problem to have but the second kind of Dandruff is called Seborrhoeic dermatitis this Dandruff are those white flakes are accompanied by severe itching in your scalp area around your hair line includes your ears. You get rashes and boils. Also you get too much irritation. But most of us dandruff can be cured by the help of these secrets.

Tip no 1

1.mistake of Hair Care

Firstly you have to understand that how dandruff is formed? It's formed basically because your scalp is a very active environment it's constantly producing skin cells, the skin cells are produced and the die if your scalp is also very oily then the skin cells collect together mix the oil and formed those white flakes that fall from your head when you're suffering from dandruff.
Too much oiling or too little oiling and too much shampooing or too much conditioning.

2. Oil 2-3 times a Week

If you want to oil your hair, make sure you own it atleast 2-3 times a week only.oil is basically like fertilizer for your scalp.
Once again you use a shampoo twice or thrice a week. Use anti-dandruff shampoo dont shampoo too less or much.


Conditioners are also oil based Substances So, if you use too much of it, it may your scalp oily once again so make sure you're conditioning it every time you use only mild shampoo.

5. Excess hair product usage

When you applying your hair product like wax,clays,gel,Serums. both guys and girls applies this,make sure that hair product doesn't come in contact with your scalp its supposed to be applied to the body of your hair.

Tip No 2

You've gotta care about your environment because at the end of day dandruff is an infection.
Get your pillowcases cleaned. Take your pillow case and dip it in an antiseptic solution or soap mix with water, and than leave it in that solution for atleast 6-10 hours.also you have to do this with your comb and brushes that you regularly use on your hairs.

Tip no 3

Understand home remedies
Any kind of natural acidic will help you to cure dandruff so think of home remedies Like Curd, Lemon these contains slightly natural acidic values and also the organic applecider vinegar is best for your hair to cure dandruff.

Use always good quality organic hair products.use anti dandruff shampoo atleast once in a week.

Use WOW apple cider Shampoo, because this shampoo is sulphate and paraben free. It does help to set the pH values of your scalp right and cure your dandruff in the long term and maintain your hair quality.
Try this WOW shampoo Now, to buy this product click here the link


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

How to gain weight fastly

How to gain weight fastly 

Todays topic is for all those skinny guys & girls who struggling to put on weight I'm gonna be teaching you how to gain weight Easily and in a healthy way Now you remember guys there is two way or path.
One is the path that leads you to tha closest fast food junction,your favourite restaurant it's the part that make you fat but in a bad way like eat unhealthy junk food and the second path is the one that leads you to your kitchen. We need to choose the correct path if we want the best results.
The main thing need to know your is that you put on weight primarily through the food that we intake in our body. The exercise that we do will set a path of our body to grow on.but it's primarily all about the food we eat. So let's get straight to it guys, the easiest way to put on weight is keep hitting your Food Goals everyday. There are two food goal that is Calorie goal and protein goal. You hit this to everyday and even with Zero to minimal exercise you will put on some weight, Without exercise you just put on more fat of your body. But your only goal for increase weight just hit on your food Goals daily.
Let's talk about protein goals, the built even the slightest amount of muscles you need to keep in certain amount of protein every day in your diet.make sure that your diet is full of protein like Meat,eggs and Dairy products.and for vegetarians you have to put Dairy products like paneer, butter, ghee, tofu. Also beans and Soya chunks.
Let's talk about Calorie goals, everyone has a maintenance calorie level if you go beyond that maintenance calorie level you'll put on weight. So initially try stuffing your self just get your calorie goal every day.if don't have a good appetite and easy way of hitting calorie goals every single day, is including lots of good fat in your diet that is Nuts, dairy,olive oil coconut oil make those a part of all your meal. Now guys just how you gonna be counting your protein intake every single day
You need to start counting your calorie intake as well. To put on weight you gonna be consuming excess calorie,is those excess calorie are way to high, you might become fat so every time you increasing your calorie track how your weight responding to it.if you feel like you getting too fat too fast, Slow down reduce your calorie little bit. But if you happy with how much weight you put on than keep going.
Remember, to put on healthy weight you will need to hit your protein goal and your calorie goal. Your muscle need protein+calore also carbs to build inside your body, so you need to hit your calorie goal to build muscle. Similarly if you only hitting your calorie goal without focus your protein goal than you will be fat. You don't want put on fat, you want to put on healthy muscle. So bulk of your calorie should be coming from protein rich foods this way you'll be hitting your protein goal and your calorie goal. The second aspect to put on healthy weight. the exercise that you need to do, The best exercise is weight training. Also you need to be reducing the total amount of cardio yo do. If you do cardio remember that you shouldn't exceed total 40mins of week.

Protein Sources to eat.

Nonveg= Chicken,Fish,Eggs,Meat.

Veg= Nuts,paneer,Tofu,Curd, Soya Chunk, Dals

Carbs Sources to eat.

Whole Wheat, Brown rice, Jowar,Bajra,Rava.
"Stay away from white flour,and white rice".

Consume Chickpea flour (sattu atta) shake.
How to make = you need one glass of water and mixed it, squeeze half lemon it will ready to drink. Atleast 2times a day you need to drink it.consists of clean carb and protein.

You just remember that you have to take high calorie instead of your maintenance calorie level, it's lead to weight gain also little bit of fat also. add one spoon of pure Ghee on your meal, because it's good fat source to weight gain. I recommend you to consume ghee with your meal twice a day.whenever you think that your gain too much fat,than you need to reduce little quantity of ghee.if you don't like ghee than you replace it with Virgin coconut oil. Also you can take 2-3 egg yolk if your skin  doesn't react badly.
And the final option is "Nuts" like Cashew,wallnuts, almonds, pista.
if you want to increase little bit of calorie in it, you can fired with small amount of olive oil. Try different oils every month.

SUPPLEMENTS = Remember one thing that supplements are always add on. You don't need to take necessarily if you didn't workout. But protein is beneficial for you when in the absence of primary source of protein that you take from your diet. If you have the spending power then, Buy protein powder. If you really want to gain weightThan you only eat healthy food, clean carbs also have little bit protein in every meal.


Sunday, April 19, 2020

Ramzan and intermittent fasting for weight loss

Ramzan and intermittent fasting diet plan for weight loss

Ramzan hamare muslim bhaiyo ka Sabse bada tyohaar hai.., aur Apne kabhi Apne life mein agar Ramzan Ko follow Kia hai tb aap ne unknowingly intermittent fast diet follow kar rhe ho. Ramzan diet har koi follow kar Sakta hai.. khaas taur pe weight loss ke liye yeh boht beneficial hai. Har saal me ye 30 din (1month) ke liye zarur follow karein, jab aap minimum 15-16 hours ke liye fast Ko follow kar Rahe ho tab usko intermittent fasting bolte hain. 

Is IF diet me apki body ki fat burning procedure speed badh jaati hai.. because hamare body me 2 harmones rehte hai Testosterone & HGH. jab ham Roza rakh rhe hamare body ke ye HGH and testosterone level boht badjaate hain. Uske wajah se hamari body speedily fat burning procedure karpaati hai. During Ramzan it's possible to reduce minimum 4-5 kgs,if you follow the proper diet plan.

Diet Rules to follow during Ramzan

1. EXERCISE= zaruri nahi hai ki aap intense workout karein.. minimum thoda cardio aur weight trainings se kaam hojyga.., intense workout se weight loss boht speedily hoga but mein apko recommend nahi karunga intense workout ke liye.

2. WATER&VEGETABLES= Jab ham Roza chhodte hain tab hame water aur vegetables pe boht focus karna hoga, yeh hamari diet ke liye boht necessary hai.

3. REDUCE FATTY FOOD=Oil,ghee,cream & butter Ko thoda avoid karna hoga. Salan bnaate time ye factors Ko thoda sa avoid karein. Salan me thoda Paani wala salan khayen wo better hoga aur meri recommend hai ki aap kabab khaane per focus karein.

4. EAT MEATS FOR MINIMUM 3-4 TIMES ONLY= Apko hafte mein 3-4 bar red meats khana hai but agar apko zyada ache results chaihiye toh aap "white meat" (Chicken,Fish) Consume karein because white meat mein fat percentage Kam hota hai red meat ke mukaable.

5. CARBS= apko Dhyan rakhein mostly Complex carbs khaana chahiye for eg. Roti,Wheat,Rava,Ragi,Bajra.

6. AVOID SUGAR = Weight loss plan ke liye apko Sugar Ko avoid karna hoga, agar aapne Sugar consume ki,to fir weight loss nahi hoskta.


Meal 1 (IFTAAR) = 2-3 dates (khajoor) because it consists "natural sugar". Khajoor khaane ke Baad aap seasonal fruits khaaskte hain like watermelon,melon, pineapple,mango,apples, banana. Aap koi bhi fruits khaa sakte hain.

Iske Baad aap thodi workout bhi zarur karein,
Workout hojaane ke baad aap maghrib ki namaz ke liye Jaa sakte ho.
Agar apki tarabih jaldi padi jaati hai to aap marghrib aur tarabih ke bich me 1meal to adjust kar sakte ho to zarur karlein. Ya fir apki tarabih late hogi, to maghrib aur tarabih ke bich me atleast 2 (2,3)meal Ko adjust karein.

Yeh do meals me apko protein,complex carbs and vegetables apko yeh rad rakhna hai ye meal ke bich mein apko minimum 1.5 hours ki gap honi chahiye.
Weight loss ke time hamari muscles bhi loss hoyngi..unko protect karne ke liye aap 3-4 Egg white khaayein. homemade low fat paneer consume karein aur 100grmChicken bhi consume karsakte hain.

Meal 4 (SEHRI) = Boht log hain jo SEHRI ke time jaldi uth nahi paate, to aap Sone se pehle thoda sa khana khaalo. Usme apko protein ki consumption karni hai grilled meat, like kabab, Eggs, or paneer aur chaahe to handfuls of nuts bhi khaaskte hain.


Yeh diet apko tab follow karna hai jab aap Apne family ke sath Kahi bahr jaarhe ho ya fir meet and greet kar rhe ho ya party kar Rahe ho family ke sath to us time aap bahr ka fatty food consume kar sakte hain 1meal Ko avoid karein jo khana hai wo khaaskte hain. But agar hosake 2meal mein Apne only protein and Vegetables pe focus karna hai. Baki jo rules hai wo as it is Normally follow karein.
So freinds ye diet har kisi Ko follow karni Chahiye Chaahe koi bhi religion ho, doesn't matter har year me ye only 30 day ki diet plan follow karein Zarur weight loss me results milenge aur apko karni bhi Chahiye ye plan follow.

Special Note= Jab bhi Roza todete hain tab aapne 1litre Paani ke sath vegetables zarur Lena hi hai. ye boht necessary hai weight loss ke liye.aur water aapke body Ko proper hydration karega. So, focus on water and vegetable after Break of Roza.
Because Ramzan mostly Summer season me hi aate Hain to baat ka khyal rakhna hai ki water level hamare body me proper hona chahiye.

 *My Instagram ID


Friday, April 17, 2020

Best Men's grooming tips for Summer

Best Men's grooming tips for Summer

If,you are teenager, to AAP bilkul Sahi jagh aaye ho.. yaha ham jaanenge garmi se hone wali problems aur uske solutions. Dosto AAP jante ho ki summer season me face se related boht problems hojati hai..jiske wajh se hamari over face look boht dull hojati hai. Garmi me heat ,sweat aur pollution boht zyada  bad jata hai. Uske wajh se Apne hair aur skin ki Jo quality hai wo kharab hojati hai. So friend apko summer ke time Apne hair, Skin damage Ko repair krna hai. I know teenagers Ko yeh problem boht Hoti hai. In dino mein apko herbal,organic products recommend karunga because organic products always Shi hote hai agr wo chaahe apki skin ho ya hair, organic product apko kisi bhi tarah ka nuksaan nahi denge. Ayurved ke hi product apke liye sahi saabit honge. Ayurveda me se,apko Aloe Vera se bane hue products use karna chahiye.
Because Aloe Vera me vitamin A,C,E,B12,BRADYKINASE paaye jaate hain. Vitamin A,C,E hamare skin aur baalo Ko zaruri nutrition Deete hai. Aur BRADYKINASE ek trah ka cooling element hai jo hamare skin ,aur baalo ki twacha Ko thandak deta hai. Aloe Vera ke gel Ko apply karne se aur bhi benefits milte hai aur hame 2 types ke harmones benefit bhi milenge AUXINS , GIBBERELLINS. Ye dono harmones ki benefits hai healing karna. Jaise agar apko koi body pe cut hogyi hai, bruise hogyi hai, ya pimples hogaye hain. Iske wajh se unko cooling milti hai, jaldi healing hone ki help Hoti hai. Garmi ke mausam me pimples sabko hojate hai,pimples marks reh jaate hai face par. Aur yhi nhi apke baalo ki quality bhi thodi si Kam hojati hai sweating ke wajah se. In sabhi chizo Ko counter karne ke liye Aloe Vera gel boht helpful hai. aur itna hi nahi hame garmi ke season me hamari diet me bhi thode changes karne chaiye. Because agar ham kuch zyada warm nutrient food consume karenge to hame face problems jhelni pad Sakti hai. Face ko aur face ke glow Ko maintain karne ke liye hame time to time Paani bhi peena chaiye. Jisse ki hamara face always fresh looking dikhe. Aur jitna ho sakhe chemical products se Bach ke rahein Kyun ki, chemical products hamari skin ke liye sahi nhi hoti hai, usse skin boht buri tarah damage hoskti hai aur cells dead hojaynge.jiske Kaaran hamari skin hmesha "dull" dikhegi. So my friends keep away from Chemical products. Aur boht si cheap companies Hoti hain jo Chemical preservatives Ko add kar ke "Organic" products ke Naam pe sell Karti meri advice hai ki hamesha trusted genuine brand se product purchase karein also aap purchase karte time hamesha product ke lebel , ingredients Ko check karein Aisa karne se apko product ki jankaari miljaygi.
Thode paise kharch karein quality products pe.
I recommend you to buy WOW facewash, because ye hai organic jo apki face skin ko koi bhi harm nahi dega. Quality budget friendly product hai zarur use kar ke dekhein.
Click the link to buy now

Chaliye baat krte hain ki Summer me skin protection aur hamare body ke liye kya karna chaiye.

Tips For Summer hack

Use Standard Organic face wash aur Quality facewash for face. Agar apko pimples hai to aap zarur garmi ke season me  3time face ko acche se wash karein. Kisi acche product Ko use kar ke.

2. Avoid oily spicy fast food. Ham sab jante hai ki oily spicy food India me boht khaate hai log. But summer season me Apne sipcy food Ko to boht Kam hi khana chaiye, uske kaaran apko pimples,acne ki problem face pe dikh Sakti hai.

Eat summer special fruits. Jaise ki water melon, melon, Cucumber, pineapple jaise fruits khaayein. Because ye fruits me water content high hai..jiske kaaran ye apki body  Ko hydrate rakhte hain. Aur apki body cool Rehti hai,Paani ki kami nhi hogi.

Use Youghurt, curd(dahi) Dahi ek cool eating source hai. Khaas kar indian subcontinent me iske boht use hain, AAP chahe isko lunch ke time consume karsakte hai, ya fir iski tarah tarah ke dish Bana ke consume kar sakte hai..dahi khaane se bhi hamari body temperature cool rehta hai, energy Rehti hai aur meri ye advice hai ki summer me dahi (Curd) ko Apne diet me add karein.

Drink water for proper hydration of your body. Summer season me khud Ko hydrate rakhne ke liye hame ek proper water amount Leni chaiye jisse ki hamari body hydrate Rahe.

6. Use face cover cloth made up of pure cotton to cover face. Hamare Desh me pollution to boht hai aur summer season me dirt aur pollution dono mix hoke hamare face pe jam jata hai.. to iska ek hi solution hai ki jab bhi aap din me Kahi bahr jaayein to Apne face ko proper cover kar ke jaaye. Ye apko pimples aane se bachaye rakhega aur skin bhi protected rahegi. 

Special Note during Summer : always wear light colour shirts made up of cotton. Because cotton product is good to wear during summer. We sweat a lot in summer, that's why cotton is a good absorber of water. (Cotton se bane kapde summer me wear karein Kyun ki ye apke body sweat Ko boht ache se absorb kr leta hai...aur temperature me evaporate hone me help karta islye Cotton is best in Summer). Ye saari grooming tips Ko follow karein apko better results milenge.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Secrets to Improve your focus and Mental power

Secrets to improve your focus and Mental power.

Whether its school college even if your career focus is the main factor in the race to success, all of us have the same 7days in a week and 24 hours of a day. People who becomes successful aren't the ones who have worked the hardest. the are the onces who can maintain maximum focus, in the minimum minutes for their work. If you want too much money in your life or good marks in particular subject, it's about how seriously focused you can be. If you want to be focused in life. Firstly understand that, what breaks focus.
Focus means staying in a one particular place by switching off all distractions of your life. And stay constant in one spot and think about one thought,In one Work task. While you try to stay focused, the huge numbers of distraction, negative thoughts will creep up on you. Mostly the breakups, bad marks ,insults really this three things the most painfull attacks for our lives. Insecurity is the performance pressure the anxiety of the future we all have the same worries in our lives. I already said said that pains and worries are the biggest enemies in the process in the focused they keep you ungrounded. The more grounded your the more ability to stay in one place,the more focus you have in life. Be more focused, first work on your grounding. But how do you improve your grounding?

                      Some steps to follow

1= You have to follow the such kind of fitness routine,your body is built to move. 
If you don't work enough, you will be left with an excess amount of energy. And an excess amount of energy will help to make you undergrounded.die on your body a little the harmones. The harmones release form your body will keep your mind Sharp.

2= Choose the healthy and correct food.
(Healthy food)

Healthy foods will gives you the energy and good nutrient for build up your muscles for doing more hard work and to be focused on your mind.
Now a days our eating habits have changed now we fill our body with packaged poison food. the more additives and processed sugar is in our diet. The more ungrounded feel in your life, So choose wisely and eat healthy and then witness the changes in the state of your mind.

3= meditate yourself daily breath based meditation is the easiest way for improve your mind focus. Sit comfortably with your back erect and only try focusing on your breath. If your mind wondering about, that's Normal, you have gotta  bring your attention back to your breathing. That's all where your focus muscles is being worked your teaching your mind to comeback to "ONE THOUGHT AND ONE THOUGHT ONLY."


Your career requires your focus on your work tasks, your meditation requires to you to focus on your breath. If you are serious about improving focus, and maximizing human potential, This is your correct answer.
Put your some minutes of work to train your brain muscles and onces you open your eyes
Use that stronger muscle to get some work done.

Simple Summary
 Aaj ke duniya me chaahe College ho ya school ya fir career Ko leke koi bhi baat ho.. ham sab Ko focus boht karna pdta hain, ham sabhi ke liye 7din aur 24 hours hote hai..Lekin kuch hi successful log khud Ko mentally focused rakh paate hain...agar hame paise kamana ho ya kisi subject me marks, hamara focus clear hona chaiye.
 Pehle to focus kya hota yeh jaanlein? 
 Ek jagah par Shanti se baith kar saari thinking Ko chodd kar sirf ek particular thing ke baare me sochna aur us kaam ke baare me sochna. Hamare mind Ko focused karne ke liye hame daily exercise karna chaiye, meditation boht acchi choice hai agar aap sach mein ek focused mind chaahte hai.. aur Sabse main baat hamari healthy diet. Agar hamari diet healthy hogi to fir hamare  body aur mind me ek energy generate hogi ,jis ke wajh se koi bhi work bilkul perfectly karsakte hain. Fast food aur package foods Ko avoid karein us se hamari health pe bad effect hoga. So apni diet hamesha healthy rakhein.
 Meditation mein breathing based meditation karein.. daily usse always hamare mind me freshness or body energetic rahegi ,jisse ki ham Apne work full concentration se kar payein.

“My success, part of it certainly, is that I have focused in on a few things.”
                                                        - Bill Gates


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Is Whey protein safe at the age under 18?

Whey protein=
Whey protein milk se banne wala protein hai.. milk se lactose, carbohydrates aur fats Ko nikalne ke Baad ,whey isolate tyyar hota hai. Whey protein ke bhi 3 types hote hain. 1.whey concentrate ,2.Whey Isolate, 3.Whey hydrolysate. Milk processing ke baad Usme protein ki biological value badh jati hai. It means 2-3 litres of milk is equals to 1 scoop of protein. Whey protein har koi bhi Consume kar sakte hai, Chaahe aap 12 saal ke hai ya fir 50 saal ke. Protein zaruri nutrient hai (protein is essential nutrient for us). Jo hamari body ko chahiye. Mostly in Indian lifestyle mein almost logo me protein ki kami (deficiency) hai ,wo proper nutrient nahi le paate. Yes you Can take protein without any problem. Fir bhi kuch log kehte hai ki whey protein bodybuilders ke liye hai., To yeh baat biklul galat hai .whey protein sabke liye hai , specially for growing kids, jinki muscle growth, mature person se 10x (10times) Jada hai unke muscle growing speed. So protein sabko consume karna chahiye ,uska koi side effect nahi hai, jo milk ham Peete hai Usme bhi whey protein isolate hota hai. Lekin jab wo factory me processing hota hai to usme kisi bhi type ki harmfull product add nahi Hoti. Milk me se lactose,carbs, fats Ko limited Kara jata hai. Boht se content hai jo hamari body Ko nahi chahiye , factory only 100% isolate milta hai, milk ki high quality hi milti hai. Whey protein sabhi consume karsakte hai but don't buy those whey protein which contains creatine and also enhance performance content in form of ingredients. So is types ke whey protein nhi Lena hai. Also jab bhi Whey Protein consume kare tab water ka level bhi add karein jisse protein proper tarah se hamari body me absorb ho.
So it's an advice for those who are at age of 14-16, 18 who think that they can take protein or not?
Jo kids milk me Bournvita, Horlicks add kar ke Peete hain, Usme bhi low value of whey isolate hota hai or baki sugar Hoti hai. ye sab protein hamare liye zaruri hai jab ham ise proper way me use karein. Agar aap workout nahi karte aap ka Lena zaruri nahi hai. But AAP agar workout karte hai to aap zarur consume kare. 1scoop after workout. Dhere dhere aapki aage grow aap Apne performance ke according dose bada sakte hain So yes, get Whey protein. Lekin hamari body overall hamare food pe depend hai healthy food pe zada focus karein. And other 20-25% of supplement ham add karte hain.. apni performance Ko enhance karne ke liye. Supplements are always add on. But agar ham only supplements consume kar Rahe hain..aur hamara food Nutrition proper nahi hai.. to wo hamari body pe kuch asar nahi karega. Always buy genuine protein. Agar apka protein genuine nahi wo side effect zarur karega. Mostly in Indian market , fake supplements boht sell hote hai so, please fake supplements se bache paise waste nahi karein kisi bhi cheapest protein ke liye. Jab bhi aap protein purchase karein to kisi certified trainer , nutritionist se pehle confirm kar lein.
Question= Is Whey protein safe at the age under 18?
 Answer = yes


 1.premium Quality of label & packaging

 2.Check the Content Written on label
 (Spelling mistakes).

3. Beware of catchy words (MADE IN AMERICA) Check all the side of product packaging ,proof and address of USA. If there "local" address mention with small fonts in any corner of product than there is fake supplement.

4. Protection Seal of the product. There are 2 types of protection seal. ( Seal covered on the Lid and Seal Covered the supplement inside the package).

5. Genuine scratch CODE of product.

6. proper Mixability of supplement.

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